Elementary English Language Arts
In the East Meadow School District, we are committed to ensuring every student graduates from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenship. To accomplish these goals, we must provide all students with proven, high-quality English Language Arts (ELA) instruction aligned with the latest research about how students learn to read. To support our students and teachers, the East Meadow School District adopted Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) as our K-5 ELA curriculum beginning with the 2023-24 school year. The CKLA curriculum provides strong instruction, grade-level appropriate assignments, engaging content, and rigorous learning activities to all students.
Click here to learn more about the Science of Reading.
Click here to learn about the Amplify CKLA Student/Family Hub
How do I login to the Student/Family Hub as a student? Follow the directions below:
1. Go to clever.com/in/em
2. Click “Log in with Google”
3. Use your @emufsd.org email and password
4. Click on the Amplify application
Grade Level Curriculum Maps
Kindergarten Knowledge Curriculum Map
Kindergarten Skill Curriculum Map
First Grade Knowledge Curriculum Map
Second Grade Knowledge Curriculum Map
Grade Level Pacing Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year