Academic Intervention Services
In keeping with the Commissioner’s Regulations Section 100.2, requiring school districts to provide academic intervention services to students who score below the state designated performance level, or who are at risk for not achieving Common Core State Standards, the East Meadow School District maintains a comprehensive Academic Intervention Services plan to identify students who require additional instruction. Academic Intervention Services supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum to assist students in meeting the Common Core State Standards and to support improved academic performance.
For the 2016-2017 school year, students in grades 3-8, who did not demonstrate proficiency on either the 2016 Common Core English Language Arts Assessment or the 2016 Mathematics Common Core Assessment, may receive academic intervention services. In addition to the NYS Assessment results, student’s scores on a variety of multiple performance measures, will be used by the district to then determine whether a student is required to receive academic intervention services.
All buildings have in place an instructional support team to provide recommendations as to which academic intervention service(s) best meet the needs of each identified student. The parent(s) or guardian of the students will be notified in writing by the principal of the school which his or her child attends, that academic intervention services will be provided. Communications monitoring student progress with school personnel, will be provided to parents of students receiving academic intervention services. Additionally, parents will receive progress reports indicating student growth and/or progress. Academic intervention services will conclude when a student has successfully attained standards as required by New York State Education Department criteria.