Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
and Administration
(516) 478-5552
Absence Management (Formerly Aesop)
Absence Management Employee Guide
Absence Management Employee Training Video
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)-Teachers
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)-Rating Request (Teacher/Principal)
New York State Department of Labor – Guidance On Use of COVID-19 Sick Leave
New York State Education Department
New York State Employees' Retirement System
New York State Teachers Retirement System
Sexual Harassment-Prevention Policy Notice
Sexual Harassment-Complaint Form
Human Resources
Welcome to the Office of Human Resources.
The Office of Human Resources is responsible for recruiting and retaining exemplary personnel for the East Meadow School District. We provide assistance in the areas of job performance, labor relations, training and employee services in order to support district personnel in creating a child centered educational environment for all students.
The role of the Office of Human Resources is to foster a work environment in which all staff members are treated with respect and dignity as they fulfill their respective roles in the district. It is with pride that we serve the East Meadow community and seek to maintain the tradition of educational excellence for each and every child within the East Meadow School District.