PTA Curriculum Council
The PTA Curriculum Council is composed of a PTA member from each of the district’s schools. Members are chosen by their building’s PTA President. In addition, the co-chair of this committee is a PTA Council member selected by the PTA Council President. The other co-chair of this committee is the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
The meetings of this committee occur one Wednesday a month during the school year starting at 9:30 and usually end at 11:00. All meetings are held at the Salisbury School in Conference Room 1A. Topics presented in this committee are curricular related. The topics for the previous and coming year’s meetings can be found on the left hand navigation of this page. The public is invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. For those who cannot attend, all presentations can be found by clicking on the link to the left hand navigation.
Any questions or curricular concerns should be directed to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.