Summer Resources
Social Studies
Summer Learning
In an effort to continue learning during the summer and reinforce the skills your child learned during the previous school year, the following curricular resources are being provided. Although there is no mandate for your child to work on these activities, it is strongly recommended that he/she try to do something as frequently as they can. Additionally, many of the activities can be done as a family and could be a welcome break from the dog days of summer.
Parent Protocol for Distance Learning
With every new experience there comes new learning for everyone involved. At this time, we believe it important to review some basic online protocol for parents and guardians in terms of your child’s distance learning.
Adults should work with their children to ensure they are able to get online and connect with, and communicate with, their teachers and/or classes.
Adults should never use the chat feature in Google Meet or Teams to communicate with the classroom teacher. These chats are not confidential and will not be answered.
Adults should not participate in live class instruction with their child’s class. You wouldn’t be in the class if we were in school, please do not enter your child’s classroom while at home.
Adults should help their children stay motivated and keep them on track to work and submit all assignments in a timely manner.
To contact any staff member by email in the East Meadow School District, please use the following naming convention: first initial.full