(516) 876-7471
World Languages
The World Language Department has an exploratory program that begins in sixth grade and spirals upward through the college credit and Advanced Placement courses in twelfth grade. Teachers work collaboratively to meet or exceed the State standards and offer their students "real world" application for their language skills.
Our program is aligned with the New York State Education Department’s World Language Standards with both the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and high-leverage practices. These standards represent what students should know and be able to perform in the languages and cultures for which they are enrolled.
In addition, we are proud to offer students the opportunity to earn the New York State Seal of Biliteracy which is an award given by a high school, school district or county office of education that formally recognizes students who have attained a high level of proficiency in two or more world languages at the senior level.
Students can apply for the World Language Honor Society, beginning in their junior year for their specific language of enrollment. We offer field trips, competitions, and invite guest speakers/presenters, which helps to provide students with the complete cultural experience.
Our department boasts teachers who are members of a variety of language organizations. Teachers function as interpreters while immersing themselves in the language and culture of their disciplines. The World Language staff is the essential component in our successful program that brings the world into their classrooms.