students in dance class

Bowling Green Elementary School in East Meadow recently kicked off their dance program for kindergartners.

Twice a week, kindergarten classes have met with professional dance instructors Laura DiBernardo of Impressions Dance Studio in Levittown, and Gina Petitto of JAM Dance and Fitness Center in Bellmore, as they led students through same basic dance routines in the school’s all-purpose room. The program includes a wide range of skills that apply outside of dance, whether it’s counting beats or following instruction.

Additionally, students learned how to properly stretch and warm up with a few exercises.

Each class ended with a routine in which students would follow the leads of their teachers, who incorporated everything they learned earlier that day in class.

Photo captions:

1: Bowling Green Elementary School in East Meadow recently kicked off their dance program for kindergartners.

2: Professional dance instructor Laura DiBernardo of Impressions Dance Studio in Levittown, led students through same basic dance routines in the school’s all-purpose room.

3-8: The program includes a wide range of skills that apply outside of dance, whether it’s counting beats or following instruction.

Photos courtesy of the East Meadow Union Free School District

students dancingstudents dancingstudents dancingstudents dancingstudents dancingstudents dancingstudents dancingstudents dancing