In the month of January, as Barnum Woods is focusing on the character trait of kindness, the K-Kids, led by Mrs. Schiller, are helping spread kindness throughout the school and community with the Cereal Box Drive Kindness Challenge. The K-Kids are spreading the word by creating posters, speaking about it on the morning announcements, and presenting lunch time assemblies to the students. They are challenging students, families, and community members to donate as much cereal as possible to donate to local food pantries, including the McVey Food Pantry, one great example of an act of kindness.
Before donating the cereal, the K-Kids are going to be lining up all of the donated cereal boxes throughout the hallways of Barnum Woods and host a school-wide Cereal Box Kindness Challenge Domino event. What a fun way to highlight how "One Act of Kindness can lead to another!"
If you are interested in donating, the Cereal Box Drive Kindness Challenge is being held between January 17th through January 31st. You can donate a box of cereal or Venmo @BOF-EMK and type, “Cereal Challenge” in the memo. Thank you for your help, and we cannot wait to see how many boxes of cereal the K-Kids will be able to collect to donate to the local food pantries for deserving families in need!