students in dance class
students in classroom
Students, teachers celebrate Unity Day in East Meadow
East Meadow School District honors anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001
East Meadow kicks off the 2024-25 academic year
Nassau County Police Department meets students at Bowling Green
On June 5, the East Meadow School District celebrated a plethora of scholars during the district’s annual Academic and Athletics Awards ceremony at East Meadow High School.
A celebration of artistic and musical excellence in East Meadow
east meadow students
east meadow students
Students and Faculty STEAM night
EMS workers demonstrate how to pack a wound to Bowling Green Staff Members
Third grade students wearing their Lunar New Year Hats
Students, teachers celebrate P.S. I Love You Day in East Meadow
Students hold up hearts with kind messages on them
Fourth and Fifth graders in front of Bowling Green Elementary School
ENL students hold up thier robots in camouflage
Fifth Grade and First grade students learning about llamas
Promoting disability awareness at Bowling Green Elementary School
East Meadow elementary schools ranked among the best in NYS